This meeting has ended. A link to the recording can be found below.
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Representatives of the Sacramento Groundwater Authority GSA, West Placer GSA, South Sutter GSA, Sutter County GSA, and RD1001 GSA will be available to discuss the latest information about our planning efforts towards development of the NASb GSP, as required by the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act(SGMA).
This will be the third of three public meetings:
1. SGMA and Sustainable Management Criteria (February 10) - In thisfirst meeting, we provided an overview of SGMA, the draft chapters recentlycompleted, and our current efforts to define groundwater levels and othercriteria to measure sustainability in the basin. A recording of this meetingcan be viewed at Events and open the Feb 10 meeting).
2. Water Budget (March 10) - In this second meeting, we discussed theresults of the basin wide groundwater model and groundwater budget. The waterbudget -- an accounting of inflows, outflows, and changes in storage -- gave usa good understanding of our subbasin, will assist in long range planning, andhelp us know how much water can be safely pumped from the basin while remainingsustainable.
3. Projects and Management Actions (Wednesday, May 12) - In thisthird meeting, we will revisit Sustainable Management Criteria, share ourapproach for defining Undesirable Results, and discuss the projects andmanagement actions that will potentially be included in the GSP and that couldbe implemented should the basin become unsustainable, or at risk of becomingunsustainable.
How to attend the meeting
Draft Plan Sections
Draft GSP sections 1 through 5 are available for public review at Although public comment is currently closed, another public comment period will be posted later this summer when the full draft GSP is released. The GSP will then be adopted by the GSA member agencies in late 2021 and submitted to the State by the statutory due date of January 31, 2022. We want to ensure the GSP reflects both your input and sound technical studies. We encourage you to participate in this process now, as we shape and implement the plan.
About the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
Public agencies with water management authority are required by SGMA to form GSAs, manage groundwater in the NASb, and implement activities that preserve and enhance groundwater supplies for our cities, communities, agricultural areas, and the environment. This locally controlled effort will protect the basin from overdraft, ensure sustainable groundwater supplies, and support a stable and growing economy, including agriculture.
For additional details or more information about the GSAs involved in this effort, visit
We look forward to seeing you!
May 12, 2021 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Zoom Meeting TBA, Citrus Heights, CA 95610